Job Site Procedures
Necessary Equipment:
- Hand Sanitizer or Wash Station with soap
- Masks to minimize the spread when you can’t social distance (6′)
- Disinfectant to wipe down tools
- Workers are advised not to carpool together.
- Workers are advised to keep travel outside their own City or Town to a minimum.
Employee COVID-19 Check:
- All employees must pass the daily check by the Lead Carpenter before working.
- Workers shall maintain 6′ min, spacing with everyone
- Workers working closer than 6′ shall use a mask.
- Don’t work upwind from another worker without a mask
Mask Use:
- Be sure your mask is comfortable; you don’t want to have to keep adjusting the mask, because that means touching your face.
- You must wash your hands before putting the mask on, and after talking it off or touching it.
- Handel the mask only by the ear loops.
- Wash homemade cloth masks daily.
- Masks are required for all work inside a building
Common Tool Use:
- The use of common tools shall be limited when possible
- All common tools shall be wiped down between users with disinfectant
Hand Washing:
- First thing after passing the COVID-19 employee check
- Before coffee break
- Before Lunch
- Before putting on your mask, and after taking it off
- Refrain from touching your face with your unwashed hands
Suggested Home Practices:
- Limit travel
- Avoid large inside gatherings
- Go out only for essential appointments, food, gas, supplies and, exercise
- Food Shop less often. Going every two weeks instead of every week cuts your exposure in half. Grocery stores typically have a high concentration of people.
- Get outside with proper distancing in uncrowded areas of your own town. It’s good for your mental health
The Job Site:
- The General Contractor shall limit the subcontractors to 8 people and only two different subcontractors at a time